Friday, January 3, 2014

27: The Truth

"Yellowfang?" Snoweagle asked.
"Listen." Yellowfang said. Listen? Is she crazy?! she must know i... c-can't..... hear... Snoweagle looked up and around. He could hear. He fought the urge to jump for joy, dash around, bounce like he did when he was a kit. I could hear moons ago... when i had that dream... He straightened up. Footsteps and quiet gasps could be heard. Snoweagle turned around and there was Lightning and Thunderbolt.  The white cat nodded at Snoweagle.
"I know you have come far, but your trip is in vain."
"What?" Snoweagle gasped. "What... do you mean?"
"There..was a way to communicate with Skyclan's ancestors before you came here." The white cat said.
"WHAT?!" Snoweagle said.
"You mean.." Lightning said, who had been listening.
"Well, i guess it was lucky you went here anyway, because you found me and you saw your..." Thunderbolt quickly trailed off. "Family." She finished her sentence.
"Nevermind." Snoweagle said. "Well, let's go find the place!"

Half a moon later...

" I see a light." Lightning said. IN a tunnel underneath 'Snowclan''s territory, a light glimmered. The trio ran at it. Stopping short suddenly, they gasped. a crystal, a faint green color, lay in the center of the cavern, moon shining on it.
"How do we communicate with warrior ansestors here?" Thunderbolt asked.
"I'll press my nose against it, and if i fall asleep, you two do the same."Snoweagle said.
Snoweagle pressed his nose and he drifted off.


Snoweagle woke to a misty land. The white cat was there, same with Lightning and Thunderbolt. 
"Welcome." said the white cat. muffled footsteps was heard, and 8 other cats stepped out of the wall of mist. "These are you all's warrior ancestors." "Twanykit.." A very young kit with glazed eyes peeped at Snoweagle. "She died when she was a week old. Blind and deaf." The white cat whispered. 
"Rainwolf," The white cat jestured to a pale blue she-cat with a black spot on her left ear and blue eyes. "Shadowpaw" She gestured to a tom, with silver eyes, and ghostly grey fur. He looked as if he were fading from existence. "Icefire" A orange tom with red eyes nodded. "Dawnmist" A silver she-cat with orange spots and silver eyes looked up suddenly. "Fawndusk" A black tom with a white muzzle and forepaws with a orange mark on his forhead blinked at the white cat. " Leafpelt" A elderly silver cat with greed eyes smiled. "and finally, Oretachistar." A Brown with cream stripes she-cat with blue eyes looked up and said "Welcome young one."
The white cat made eye contact with Snoweagle. "And my name is..."

AN: LONG!!!! Oretachi means 'We are family' in Japanese. The stone they touched is a peridot.