U wanna be in the story? SIGN UP HERE!

You find yourself in Starclan. You see a White, Starry cat step out of the bushes. "So, you want to join life on earth as a cat?" She asks. Well then, Tell me about you! ( or what will be about you!)

"Your'e figure is so blurry! What do you look like?"
( Please, what does your cat look like?)
"Yes, I see you on earth now! How many moons do you wish to be?"
(How many moons old is your cat?)
"That is a Excellent choice. Now, are you Male or Female?
(It speaks for itself, Male or Female?)
"Very good! What is your rank or are you a Rouge?
(kit is baby, Apprentice is warrior in training, Warriors hunt and defend, Queens give birth, Deputy is second in command, Medicne cats are healers, Elders are retired warriors and med cats)
"Yes, that is a good rank! Who's side are you on?"
(are you in Fear's Tribe or Lightning's Pride?)
"I need to know... What is your history?"
(Tell me about your carater before it was born)
"I almost forgot! What is your'e name?"
(tell em your name!)

*The cat kicks you out of the sky*
You find yourself falling down until you crash in thick woods.
You still her the cat's voice:
"Good luck!"

Warning:  If you stop commenting for a while... say a month or two, your'e carater will leave the forest or die.


    BTW, I'll link you on TFEOB. ;D

    "Oh, hello! My name is Flamingpelt."
    "I'm a female."
    "I'm a newbie warrior, and a good one too!"
    "I'm in Fear's Tribe! We're the best!"
    "Well, I was born in Fear's Tribe...I'm not too proud of the fact of us being evil, but hey, we're better than Lightning's Pride! I'm known for being very stealthy, mischievous, fun-loving, and I'm good at fighting, running and jumping! And you know what I enjoy? Scaring kits outside of our Tribe!"

    "Oof! Ow, that hurt. Oh well, back to work..."

  2. "Uh, my name's Echofeather."
    "I'm female."
    "I'm the medicine cat, if that's okay, if not, I'll be medicine cat apprentice (change name to Echopaw)"
    "I'm really light gray, with white chest and paws. I have gray stripes, and pale blue eyes. I'm blind (Echofeather says that, but she sometimes can see, when she needs to.) I have two blue jay feathers tied behind my ear. Don't ask how I got it. It took a while."
    "I'm in Lightning's Pride."
    "I was found in the winter, under a tree. Some cats wanted me out, because they thought I was blind and useless. Hmmph! I showed them!"
    "I-I don't know what age I am."

    (Echofeather is like Jayfeather, grumpy and snappy, but she can be calm and helpful when she's in a really good mood.)

  3. "I am SlashKit"
    "I'm a female"
    "I'm a kit"
    "I come from Lightning's pride"
    "I am a white kit with a scar on my cheek from Fear, so that's why I was named SlashKit"
    "I am half a moon old like a newborn"
    History:In wild, her mother had to find a clan for the birth of SlashKit so she joined Lightning's pride.

    1. Well, You have to make a mom, or have Moss or Wing suddenly give birth. Lucky you, everybody has unlimited cats!

  4. "Hi there! I'm Thunderbolt!
    I'm female, of course!
    I'm an Apprentice.
    I come from Lightning's Pride.
    I'm a blue-ish grey cat with blue eyes!
    I'm 3 moons old.
    My history is nothing much, I got turned out by my clan, so I came here to learn something! :D

    So, can I join you?? Please!!! :D"

  5. Woah, woah! Yes to everyone, i just need to handle everythingh.

  6. "Uhh, my name is Blackmoon"
    "I am a She-cat"
    "Warrior" :3
    I am in Lightning's Pride"
    "I am a black cat, with silver moons lining my pelt"
    "I am 8 moons old"
    "My history, well, I was found outside the territory when I was a kit, all alone, thats mostly it"

    Please can I join! :D

    ~pugzy™ (pugz781 for those who dont know me)

  7. "I'm not supposed to give out too much information but I guess, just this once I will"
    "My name is Jadefire"
    "I'm a she-cat"
    "Can't you tell by my name? I'm a warrior!"
    "Fear's Tribe is my home!"
    "You really must be blind! I'm Black on top, white on bottom with Dark green spots(I hope thats ok! If not then make the spots grey) My eyes are blaizing red."
    "My age? Thats classified."
    "My history? Well, can't say I had the best kithood but it made me strong and with 6 moons of training I perfected every move and I use moves no ones ever seen before!"

    (Jadefire is snotty and mean she won't stop at anything to bring her enemies down but there is one cat she would never hurt no matter what... She may be tough and mean but really she is sad inside someone just needs to help her open up she'd be kind then)

    "THANKS ALOT! Pfft, well now I'd better go patrol the border..."

    1. (XD Can I haz another chare? well too bad 'cause here's another)

      "Well I guess I have time for a few questions!"
      "My name is Jaystorm"
      "I'm a tom"
      "Well, I'm a warrior! And I'm proud of it."
      "Lightning's Pride is the place for me! Fear's tribe just creeps me out"
      "How do I look huh? Well, I'm nothing special just white on bottom and the blueish grey color (that Bluestar had) on top! I think my eyes are ice blue."
      "Honestly, I have no clue I think I'm as old as that Jadefire cat that keeps avoiding me from Fear's tribe and I'm thankful for it! I heard that she's mean and wreckless!"
      "Well.. I had a brother, Firepaw, one day he broke his paw in a way that would never be fixed. He had to drop out of training. One day during a gathering (if you have them) I met Jadepaw. She was mean and angry at first but then cooled down but she never spoke a word... Anyway, Firepaw one day was lost and no one has found him since."

      (Jaystorm is kind and light hearted. He dosen't wish for violence and he would do anything to bring the clans/tribes/prides together!)

      "Ow! Oh well thank's for your time!"

  8. Wait... What? I'm in Starclan? Ok, Ok, I'll answer some questions! >8U
    Ok, I am a ginger cat with a white tail and green eyes
    I am 13 moons old
    I'm a She-cat, can't chu tell?? >8U
    I am a rouge... recently from Shadowclan. I didn't like Blackstar... but I'll tell chu later X3
    I am in Lightning's Pride o3o
    Well... I was born in Leaf-fall. My mother was a rouge. She later joined Shadowclan.. Then died from Greencough. I was 5 moons when I became an apprentice (No one knew how many moons old I was, so they guessed 5 moons) Blackfoot hated me, because my mom was a rouge. It was Tigerstar who let my mom stay. Blackstar then became leader. He had the right to chase me out. He said never to return.I was only 9 moons. I was a warrior. Then, I met Lightning...That's my past o3o
    I am Gingertail
    Ow! Oh well... That's meh! o3o

  9. DERP


    Ok... I really like to write warrior cats stories and I would like to do the chapter when Gingertail is found. I was also thinking of maybe having another cat in the story

    Well, for starters, I am a brown tabby with scars marks. See that one? That was from Lightning. I am 14 moons old. I might become an elder soon. But I am still strong and I can fight as if I was the best warrior in all of the forest. I am a Senior Warrior, but again: I am still strong enough to care for myself. I am a tom (Male) I am in Fear's Tribe. We are stronger and more fiercer than those dopey cats in Lightning's Pride. My history- I was born in Fear's tribe. My mom was Flamingpelt. I love being evil >8U I am known for my awesome hunting skills. I am Fang

  10. Hey, glad to see you back. ^^

    Is it okay if I can sign up some ridiculous characters? They're called Trollpaw and Stomachpaw (Trollface and Stomachheart when warriors), and they're my funny Warriors OCs. Obviously Trollface does a lot of trolling (making fun of others very wittingly) and Stomachheart is kinda weird.

    If they're a bit too weird for the story that's okay and I'll sign up another one of my Warriors OCs. :)

    1. Respect, will draft and see. will comment back to tell you what i think when i find an opening in the story.

  11. Trollface sounds so funny. Anyways, here is my character:

    "I am Coalpaw" (Coaltree when warrior)
    "I am a dark grey tabby with green eyes and a long tail"
    "I am 6 moons old."
    "I am an apprentice."
    "I am in the Lightning Tribe"
    "Well, I was just born in the tribe."

    "AHHHH!" *Lands in pond*


    "I'm... Mistyheart."
    "Grey shorthair with large, amber eyes."
    "I'm 14 moons old."
    "Obviously a warrior."
    "The lightning tribe."
    "I used to live in a forest with my dad because the rest of my family was killed by Fear. But then my dad drowned while fishing and I guess I accidently walked into Lightning Tribe's territory."

    I'll just say Mistyheart's personality: Caring, sweet, somewhat quiet

    If I am making too many characters I don't know what you will do now... xD

  13. Can someone write a blog about things to do when bored? D:l <---- uni-brow caveman style

  14. sorry i just love making warrior caracters

    "Newkit" (Newpath when warrior)
    "Light gray she-cat and blue eyes"
    "I is 3 moons old.
    "Lightningstar rules."
    "Born in tribe." I shall make mommy

    MOMMEH is Mistyheart shes a queen. ur welcome to have new kits from her just not all at once :D her mate is (Let's just say Newkit's 2 brothers died)

    im a grey tom with green eyes
    im 17 moons old
    im a warrior
    da lightning tribe
    i was born in lightning tribe then I fell in love with Mistyheart :D
