Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Last post on this blog.

I will no longer be posting on this blog. I will delete it when I have finished copying and pasteing onto a new page on my new blog, whitch will be called 'The Archive' So you will be able to read the sad remains of the origional story, and the plans I had made for it.

EDIT: I have finished! You all have 5 days

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A present for my veiwers

Hello! You know me as Bluefall. Well, I'm so sorry about my lack of posting, so I was thinking, you guys need a reward for being so loyal for all this time. Soo...

You guys get a re-write of this story. It is going to be in First-person, in Snowkit/paw/eagle's POV.

I PROMISE i will post more often. Today you will get 2 chapters on the new blog I am creating as typing (Prologue and Chapter 1) and you WILL recive chapter 2 on sunday.

OC's will return, I will kill them off if needed (or if they are dead).

NOTICE: If your OC was alive when I wasn't posting, It is still alive.

See you on Snowkit: after the eagle: REWITE!

PS: sorry to leave you on a 'cliffhanger'.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

33: Warrior Caremonies

A simple brush of fur from Twoclan to Lightningstar's clan could seemingly cause forest fires. Lightningstar gathered who was loyal to him in a group and went 'hunting'. At the edge of the border, Lightnigstar turned around to talk to his clan. About 1/8 of the clan came- Thunderbolt, Frostflight, Lightkit, Slashkit. Wing, Mossflower, Nightpaw, Cricketpaw.
"So few cats.." Lightningstar said. "No, I mean 8 cats willing to put their lives on the line. Wing, Thunderbolt, shall we have our warrior ceremony for you two?"
Wing and Thunderbolt nodded.
"I, Lightningstar, call apon my warrior ancerstors to look down on these two cats. They have trained to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to  you as warriors in my turn. Wing, Thunderbolt, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." Wing and Thunderbolt promised.
"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names." Lightningstar said."Thunderbolt, from now on you will be known as a warrior. Starclan honors your courage. Wing, from now own you will be known as Wingflutter. We welcome you both as full warriors of our clan."
Thunderbolt smiled and touched noses with Lightningstar. Wingflutter copied the motion.
"Now, we will have our apprentice ceremony." Lightningstar said. Everyone excanged confused looks.
"Lightkit, step forward."

AN: Short because I am very annoyed by my brother *Punches his face*. Will be updated fore sure in next week.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

32: Lightkit's Destiny

AN: Early again! I forgot to wish 'yall a Happy V-Day, or otherwise known as Single Awareness Day!~ Hope you enjoy this next chappy, Read and Review!
"Yes, what would that be?" Snoweagle asked.
"Oretachistar had a cat with the same 'ability' when she was alive. In her clan." Silversnow told her.
"Really? What clan is that?" Snoweagle said.
"Skyclan." Silversnow told him.
Skyclan? Oh... Right. Snoweagle thought. The cats in Lightningstar's clan are descended from Skyclan. How could i have forgot? 
"I would like to speak with Oretachistar." Snoweagle told her.
"As you wish." Silversnow said. Oretachistar stood up.
"Follow me." Oretachistar said. Oretachistar walked out of the misty plain they were in and into a forest. She led him to a stream falling over a cliff. Oretachistar stopped near the edge and sat down. The sunshine made the rushing water sparkle and shimmer. "Now nobody can hear what i have to say." She told him.
Snoweagle gasped. "Is it really that private?" He asked.
"Yes." Oretachistar said. "Now listen. Lightkit is very special kit indeed. But these powers you must heed."
"Do you have to speak in rhymes?" Snoweagle asked.
"It is to make sure you pay attention, my pupil." Oretachistar said. "It is not a gift from Starclan, you must know. But it is indeed a 'gift' from below! The Dark Forest wants to make do, that her destiny does not come true. She is a experiment for future events. This is definitely time well spent."
"What is that event?" Snoweagle asked.
"That event is for Sky Wind, Shadow, And Sea. The rest of it doesn't bother me."
"But what happens?!" Snoweagle got a bit mad.
"I can see into the future, if you must know." Oretachistar said.
"Yes, yes i must know!" Snoweagle said.
"The Final Battle of the clans."
Snowealge gasped.
"That is far away. I will tell you another day." Oretachistar said. She started to flicker. "Your time with me is nearly at a end.."
"Silversnow told me about another cat that had the same ability as Lightkit! What happened?" Snoweagle said, starting to rush.
"In her struggles, he did not win." Oretachistar's spirit went out like a light and her final words could be heard echoing around the dimming area. The background and sunlight faded completely and Snoweagle was left in total pitch-dark cold before waking up.
What a fine way to end a dream. Snoweagle thought, struggling to his stiff feet. they were sore from all the walking in Starclan.. or were they? He stood up and walked out of the cave and to the clan. I will have to talk with Oretachistar again sometime. He thought. Frostflight walked up to Snoweagle.
"How was your trip?" She asked. "I never got a chance to say anything to you... Sorry."
"No, it's alright." Snoweagle said. He felt a strange fluttering feeling in his chest. What's this... strange feeling in my chest? Is it... love? No... it can't possibly be love... i'm probably just hungry... In his heart, he knew he wasn't hungry.
AN: I have 2 ideas, Tell me what you think.
1. Snow x Frost 
2. Another story after i finish this one starring Lightkit. A poll is/will be set up. Be sure to vote within a month! 
*Couldn't post this up above... or it would ruin the surprise!*

Friday, February 14, 2014

31: Slashkit and Help.

AN: Yes, this is early. Couldn't keep you waiting now, could I? Thank you Amparos92 (I believe that is your name) for Slashkit, who will be introduced officially in this chapter. She was, however found in one of my earlier chapters ( ch. 20), right before Snoweagle left for his journey.  If you look over at the sidebar, i have updated the charrie list and added a short summary. Please comment about the summary if it's not good. No forest fires, please. Now, enjoy! Next chapter Sunday or earlier.

Lightkit slowly opened her eyes. She did not look frightened, just sad.
"please..." Lightkit started. "kill me now." "please." 
Snoweagle gasped. "Lightkit... you must be crazy! Why would you want to die?"
Lightkit sighed. "Every time a cat dies, I share their pain. I... just can't go on. If Slashkit hadn't been rescued, I would have gone through more pain."
Snoweagle took a glance at the nearby, now wide-awake kit. The white kit looked about 3 moons old now and scared out of her wits. The scar on her right cheek, now proven to be given by Fear, was hard to hide. 
"Hello.." Said Slashkit, still a bit shaken.
"Lightkit, i know you want to be a warrior." Snoweagle said. "Don't give up on your dream, no matter what tries to weigh you down." Lightkit looked up.
"Yeah, your right!" Lightkit said suddenly. Slashkit looked up and smiled. "I shouldn't give up!" 
It's hard to believe that Lightkit is about the age of a new warrior now... Snoweagle thought.
Slashkit turned to Lightkit. "Do you want to play?" Slashkit said. Now that Lightkit had perked up, she did not seem so scared.
"Sure, why not?" Lightkit told her. Slashkit took a little ball of moss and the two began to play. 
Snoweagle walked out of the den and went to go see Lightningstar. Entering his den, Lightningstar looked up.
"Oh, hello Snoweagle." Lightningstar said. "Do you need anything?"
"Yes, of matter of fact, i do." Snoweagle said. 
"And what would that be?" Lightningstar asked.
"I need to go speak to our warrior ancestors." 
"I see." Lightningstar nodded. "Then you go to The Stone." 
Diddn't think it would be that easy. Snoweagle thought. He exited the den and took off out of the hollow with a running start. after a short walk, Snowealge got to some tunnels at the territory's edge. Walking in, he he strolled along for awhile and then saw a soft light. He ran up and saw a peridot.
He pressed his nose against the stone and fainted.

.: In the outer reaches of Starclan :.

Snoweagle saw Silversnow who was talking with Oretachistar. Snoweagle ran up.
"Hello, young one." said Silversnow. "Excuse me, Oretachistar." Silversnow turned away from Oretachistar and asked, "What is the trouble?"
"It's Lightkit." Snoweagle said. 
"Oh, that kit." Silversnow said. 
"Yes, she needs help with these..... powers of hers." Snoweagle said.
"I undertsand." Silversnow said. "I can help you." 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

30: Fight

Snoweagle awoke and saw that Lightkit was sleeping and seemed stable enough... at least for now. He glanced out the den and took notice that the clan was catching prey for Twoclan. Raincloud  looked over. There had been a dispute at noon deciding who would lead, and it ended in a tie, resulting in both Ruin and Lightningstar would share as rulers.
"I'm glad to be back, but a lot has changed..." Snoweagle said to Raincloud.
"Yes, good to see you." Raincloud said iceily.
"So, you like Ruins cats better?" Snoweagle said.
"They are cool, and it seems okay." Raincloud said.
"He probally just wants the nine lives." Snoweagle reasoned. "He's just going to get you to trust him, then abandon you."
"You don't know anything about Ruin." said Raincloud. "Give him a chance! I've been teaching him a lot. I told him how 9 lives work... and he did not care! He wanted to know more about patrols instead!" Raincloud's speech ended with a spat.
Ruin could be pretending.... So he could throw Raincloud off the trail. Snoweagle thought.
"I've been teaching him the warrior code, and he respects it and listens to me. He passes it on to his cats. Shut up. Just bacause you are Lightningstar's favorite and you have a fancy name, doesn't mean you are better than me!" Raincloud finished, eyes flashing.
Jealous. Thought Snowealge.
"Ruin's just using you!" Snoweagle said, raising his voice a little.
"Shut up!" Raincloud spat. He unsheathed his claws, ready to fight.
"I don't want to fight you." Snoweagle said. "He's just taking advantage of you..."
Raincloud snarled.
"That's it. Screw non-violence!" Snoweagle said. "Bring it on." he said, unsheathing his claws. Raincloud's head jerked to the right. His claws sheathed. Snowealge followed the movements.
"Oh heeeeeeyyyy! Lightningstar!" Raincloud said. "Nothing going on here...."
Lightningstar glared at them. "You two are banished form the camp for the day. You can come back at sunset."
Raincloud and Snowealge stalked out of the den and headed into the forest, separating themselves from each other as much as possible.

.: The next morning :.

Snowealge awoke to a vibration of a scream. He whirled around in the den and saw Lightkit sprawled on the ground gasping short, heavy breaths. She started to thrash around. Snowealge leapt to his paws, not knowing what to do. She finally sucked in a heavy breath and gasped, "Stonefur." She fell limp. Snoweagle sat back, not able to do anything but wait. Stonefur. The name seemed to ring a bell in his mind. Lightkit slowly opened her eyes. She did not look frightened, just sad.
"please..." Lightkit started. "kill me now." "please."
AN: I love watching people sit back and worry. don't worry, next chapter will be posted on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

29: Twoclan

"Nine Lives." Lightingstar whispered as he walked on. "Guess starclan did want me to be leader."
Snoweagle smiled. "Course they did." Snoweagle turned his head away from Lightningstar. "Look! I can see it! The hollow!"
"Our journey... is finally over..." Breathed Thunderbolt. a new smell drifted over their noses.  "What's that smell?"
"New cats..." Snoweagle said. They made their way to the entrance of their camp.  A scarred white tom appeared and snarled, "trespassers."
"You are the trespasser." Lightningstar snarled back. "This is MY clan's territory."
The tom's eyes widened in surprise. "Your clan..." He echoed. "Oh, you must be Lightning and Snowpaw, but who is this?"
"I'm Thunderbolt!" Thunderbolt said.
"Who are you, how do you our.... well, at least my name?" Lightningstar said.
"I think it would be easiest if Ruinstar spoke to you. My name is Skullcrush." Said the white tom.
It's a clan name.. but somehow it feels different. Thought Snoweagle.
Lighthningstar looked at Snoweagle for assistance, but found a answer for himself. "Fine, we will go." A cat approached Lightningstar.
"Hello, i'm Ruinstar." The cat said.
"You are part of Fear's  gang!" Snoweagle said.
"Fear?" Thunderbolt echoed.
"Nevermind that," Snoweagle said. "Ruinstar. How dare you take a leader's name! You are not a leader, you don't have the lives and the approval of starclan."
"Twoclan has... adopted your way of life." Ruinstar said calmly. "Snowpaw.."
"SnowEAGLE." Snoweagle corrected.
"Come, Snoweagle, Lighhtning, Thunderbolt." Ruinstar led them into a den.
"Lightning! Snoweagle! I thought i'd never see you again!" Mudstripe said with joy. Mossflower and Nightpaw jumped up, but Lightkit lay unmoving. Her eyes flickered up to acknowledge Snoweagle's existence.
"My clan has merged with yours. but my 'clanmates have fallen, fighting with each other. I am Twoclan's leader." Ruinstar said.
"No." Said Lightningstar.
AN: Sorry it was late, i got busy all of a sudden. CLIFFHANGER! HANGING FROM A CLIFF!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Teaser Trailer Chapter 29

The heroes have returned... But a sickness has ravaged the clan. Some are dead. Some *hint hint nugde nudge* are living. What will happen next? Will the sickness be cured, or will the clan fall? Who caused this plague? Find out in the next chapter of...

Snowkit: After The Eagle.

AN: Basic of new storyline, will be written & published Saturday or Sunday.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

28: Lightningstar

"My name is Silversnow." Said the white cat.
"Silversnow." Snoweagle echoed. Silversnow, may we start the ceremony?" Icefire Asked.
"Yes, of course, my dear pupil." Silversnow said. Lightning looked at one of the new cats for a split second, then turned away. Was that recognition?
Twanykit stepped forward. Lightning stepped forward.
"You.... you look like my sister." Lightning said. "But she died long ago..."
The she-kit smiled and nodded. "That's because i am your sister."
Lightning looked at Twanykit dumbly. Twanykit 'sweatdropped'. "You are going to feel some pain. It's only for a few seconds. We are just zapping your old life out of you."
Lightning flinched and nodded. After a few seconds, it was over. Lightning appeared to be out of it a little.
"With this life, i give you love, for your future family." Twanykit said as she touched noses, her eyes sparkling with wisdom far, far beyond her age.
Lightning felt a sharp pain run down his spine, but right after, his heart surged with life. It was filling with Joy and Happiness. Twanykit walked backwards away a few paces.
"Twany....kit? Where are you going?" Lightning asked, but another cat stepped up. Rainwolf.
"With this life i give you courage, as i was always loyal in my past." Lightning was shocked my how much passion was in this life. Rainwolf stepped back. The misty tom stepped up.
"Why are you so misty......Shadowpaw?" Lightning asked.
"Because there is no cat left on the earth to know me, to remember me." Shadowpaw said. He looked into Lightning's eyes, his full of courage. "I hope you will remember me. With this life i give you Bravery." Lightning gasped. Visions of past battles flashed by and by, old wounded cats never giving up, ending with a flash as red a fresh blood. Shadowpaw stepped back and was replaced by Icefire.
"With this life i give you good humor." Icefire said with a laugh. This life was warm and fuzzy. Icefire stepped back, and Dawnmist stepped up. "With this life i give you Loyalty." A passed life flashed through Lightning's head, Rejecting offers to join other sides, not abandoning friends till the last breath. Lightning gasped for breath, for this life was wild and ferocious. Fawndusk stepped up to the plate.
"With this life i give you endless strength." A surge of Thunder and a roar of a lion crashed through Lightning.
Leafpelt stepped up. "With this life i give you knowledge." Long forgotten epics and tales of adventure were in this life, not as piercing as the last 3.
Oretachistar stepped up. "Hello, young one." Lightning dipped his head, he knew 'star' meant leader. "You have no need to bow, Lightning." The she-cat said.
"How do you know my name?" Lightning asked.
"Starclan know everything. With this life i give you Happiness" Lightning felt as if he could bounce around for no reason at all, he was so filled with joy.... and lives. 8, if you were counting.
One more life. thought Snoweagle thought.
Silversnow stepped up with grace and, to Lightning, beauty. "With this life i give you Faith through the darkest hour to support your clan." The last life gracefully was embedded in him. "You have all your lives, and i grant you with your leader name. Lightningstar! Lightningstar!"
Snoweagle and Thunderbolt joined. "Lightningstar! Lightningstar!"

Friday, January 3, 2014

27: The Truth

"Yellowfang?" Snoweagle asked.
"Listen." Yellowfang said. Listen? Is she crazy?! she must know i... c-can't..... hear... Snoweagle looked up and around. He could hear. He fought the urge to jump for joy, dash around, bounce like he did when he was a kit. I could hear moons ago... when i had that dream... He straightened up. Footsteps and quiet gasps could be heard. Snoweagle turned around and there was Lightning and Thunderbolt.  The white cat nodded at Snoweagle.
"I know you have come far, but your trip is in vain."
"What?" Snoweagle gasped. "What... do you mean?"
"There..was a way to communicate with Skyclan's ancestors before you came here." The white cat said.
"WHAT?!" Snoweagle said.
"You mean.." Lightning said, who had been listening.
"Well, i guess it was lucky you went here anyway, because you found me and you saw your..." Thunderbolt quickly trailed off. "Family." She finished her sentence.
"Nevermind." Snoweagle said. "Well, let's go find the place!"

Half a moon later...

" I see a light." Lightning said. IN a tunnel underneath 'Snowclan''s territory, a light glimmered. The trio ran at it. Stopping short suddenly, they gasped. a crystal, a faint green color, lay in the center of the cavern, moon shining on it.
"How do we communicate with warrior ansestors here?" Thunderbolt asked.
"I'll press my nose against it, and if i fall asleep, you two do the same."Snoweagle said.
Snoweagle pressed his nose and he drifted off.


Snoweagle woke to a misty land. The white cat was there, same with Lightning and Thunderbolt. 
"Welcome." said the white cat. muffled footsteps was heard, and 8 other cats stepped out of the wall of mist. "These are you all's warrior ancestors." "Twanykit.." A very young kit with glazed eyes peeped at Snoweagle. "She died when she was a week old. Blind and deaf." The white cat whispered. 
"Rainwolf," The white cat jestured to a pale blue she-cat with a black spot on her left ear and blue eyes. "Shadowpaw" She gestured to a tom, with silver eyes, and ghostly grey fur. He looked as if he were fading from existence. "Icefire" A orange tom with red eyes nodded. "Dawnmist" A silver she-cat with orange spots and silver eyes looked up suddenly. "Fawndusk" A black tom with a white muzzle and forepaws with a orange mark on his forhead blinked at the white cat. " Leafpelt" A elderly silver cat with greed eyes smiled. "and finally, Oretachistar." A Brown with cream stripes she-cat with blue eyes looked up and said "Welcome young one."
The white cat made eye contact with Snoweagle. "And my name is..."

AN: LONG!!!! Oretachi means 'We are family' in Japanese. The stone they touched is a peridot.