Snowpaw danced like a manicac. He had completed his warrior training! He rushed off, all the way to the field where he could scream his praise to Starclan.
"Keep it down!" Yelled a voice. Snowpaw froze and blushed.
"Who are-err- where are you?" Snowpaw asked into the abyss of grass. He knew where she was, because the white Starclan cat and Sorrelkit had given him a gift of feeling sound waves a couple of nights ago.
"The name's Echo." Replied the voice. Snowpaw found Echo. A light gray she-cat with a white chest and paws was lying in a nest of grass. She also had two jay feathers behind her ear.
"I claimed this as MY territory." Echo hissed. She had used the element of surprise. Then Echo pounced. Snowpaw looked at her visible ribs. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Is she going to eat me??? Snowkit thought. Claws clashed as each blow was scored- only to give up.
"I-i give up." Echo panted only a short while after. Snowpaw could tell she hadn't eaten in a while. "I'm not cut out for fighting, anyway."
"Errr... I have some food at errr... my camp. you wanna come?" Snowpaw wasked.
"WOULD I? OF COURSE I WOULD!" Echo exclaimed. And off they went.
Snoweagle, Frostflight, Raincloud ( I know), and Cricketpaw watched below a pile of stones, now called the Stonepile. Echo was about to become a medicne cat, to take Moss's place. After the ceremony, Snoweagle walked over to Echo, Now named Echofeather.
" You got what you wanted," Snoweagle said. Echofeather turned around, shocked. "You are one of us." Snoweagle told her.
"So I did." Echofeather scowled and stalked away to her new den. Snoweagle looked just in time to see Moss moving her kits to the Nursery.
"Horray!" Nightkit yelled.
"Hooray!" Lightkit tried to yell. Even though Moss nursed her back to health, Lightkit was still a little weak. Suddenly, Lightkit staggered and fell. coughing, she looked up at the clear blue sky.
"Stonefur....." Lightkit gasped as she closed he eyes. Echofeather gaped.
"Wha......" Echofeather started to say. Something is defiantly wrong. Snoweagle thought.
AN: Yes, Cricketpaw did not get her warrior name because she was not ready. Thanks for Echo- or should i say Echofeather, Perry4464!
Thanks for the character!