Friday, April 19, 2013

Chapter 12: Will Sorrelkit die?

Moss shoved Flamingpelt out of the way.
"Sorrelkit! Oh my poor kit!" Moss yowled. Moss turned to Flamingpelt. "How could you." Moss's voice was as cold as ice. Moss's other two kits huddled close to Lightning. Snowpaw padded over to Flamingpelt.
"I know where my claws struck." Flamingpelt meowed. "She'll die."
"That's not true." Frostpaw said was she padded over. Snowpaw felt his heart leap. What was Frostpaw doing?
"Yeah." Said Cricketpaw as she walked over to side with Frostpaw. Rainpaw padded over too.
"You'd better watch out." Rainpaw mewed. "Now that we really know who's side you are on, with will kill you."  Flamingpelt looked at Sorrelkit, then Rainpaw. Flamingpelt's claws flashed out at Sorrelkit, scoring more claw marks. Then he vanished through the trees. Moss ran after him for a couple paces.
"Yeah, you'd better run!" Rainpaw yowled. Then he fell the the ground, laughing. Sorrelkit was still bleeding, now even heavier. The troop walked over to Sorrelkit and formed a tight barrier around Moss's three kits. Fear's warriors were coming closer, growling. The fight wasn't over. Sorrelkit's wounds were pouring a endless tide, and Sorrelkit's eyes were closing. Lightning looked at Sorrelkit.
"Retreat!" He yowled, and he picked up Sorrelkit ever so gently. The troop padded silently into the forest, deathly quiet.

AN: Snowkit will be visited by the Starclan cat that will reveal all. It was a tie, so I want everyone to vote! Otherwise, Sorrelkit will die! you have until Sunday! get to it!


  1. Flamingpelt, y u evil? :c
    Lol, maybe Sorrelkit got on her nerves. xD

  2. Oh, by the way, can you link TFEOB on here? I linked you on there. c:

  3. Replies
    1. 1. Add a gadget
      2. Image
      3. Fill in the url and logo.
      4. Click okay, and save arrangements.
      5. You be done! c:
