Snowpaw padded into Moss's den. He hoped Sorrelkit would not die- live through the night. Moss was his foster mother, after all. He padded into the den, and nodded off.
Snowpaw woke up. He was in Starclan's forest again. He tried to run free through the warm, calling, woods, but trees barred his path. Suddenly, the Starclan cat came up.
"Your'e not a Starclan warrior yet- you can't pass through." She sighed. Snowpaw padded up to the Starclan cat. Her white fur was gentle and loving.
"How is Sorrelkit?" Snowpaw asked, having to peel himself away from the pure love radiating fron the Starclan cat.
"Oh, it seems we have a visitor." the Starclan cat meowed, turning to the woods. A small kit with a dappled tortoiseshell fur came forth. Snowpaw could not believe it.
"S-Sorrelkit!" Snowpaw gasped.
"Hello." said Sorrelkit. The stars weaved into Sorrelkit's fur shimmered. Her eyes shown with knowledge far beyond her age. Then Sorrelkit looked up.
"Morning is coming." she said. the Starclan cat and Sorrelkit said their goodbyes and padded into the woods.
"Wait! wait!" Snowpaw called. But he knew he was slipping away from Starclan's forest.
"My kit! No! Sorrelkit! Sorrelkit..." Yowls of horror roused Snowpaw. He opened his eyes and looked at Moss. Moss was bending over a small, lifeless, creature.
AN: Sadly, nobody really voted. :'( Goodbye Sorrelkit!
Well, I voted o: