Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chapter 24: New Friend

Snoweagle walked over to Lightning. "We need to help this cat!" Snoweagle said.
"Your'e right." said Lightning.
"I'll get some water for him or her to drink and you stay with him/her and find food for it somehow." Snoweagle said.
"Good plan." said Lightning. Snowealge trotted off. He sniffed the air. I smell water... He looked to the left of a narrow street. I think it's this way. He trotted off for a long time. finally, he reached a long bridge. He looked down from the top. Ah! Now there's water! Now, that's a long way down. he thought. But i must, and i shall, and- "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Said Snoweagle as he fell off the bridge. SPLASHHHHH! he landed in the icy cold water. he swam to the surface. and paddled to some rocks. Great. I'm all wet. He thought as he slowly climbed out of the water. "BRRRRRb-BRRRRRRb"He said as he shook himself off. Ah, that's better. He thought. Now how will i carry this water? He thought. then i thought struck him. I can carry moss with water in it, right! But not bath water. He thought. Ehh, we'll take that cat here. He grabbed some moss, drenched it, and went back to Lightning.


"Ah! Snoweagle!" Lightning said as he appeared. "I see you have water for drinking..." He said.
"Yesfm." Said Snowealge.
"Give it to the cat, please." Lightning said.
"O-kayfm." Said Snoweagle. He gently dripped water into the cat's mouth. It licked its lips and opened it's eyes. It blinked blue eyes up at Snowealge.
"Hi." It said. "I-i guess you rescued me."
"Yes." Said Lightning. "And who are you?"
"Uh..." The cat said. "You first."
"I'm Lightning." Lightning said proudly. "That white cat over there is Snoweagle."
"Oh!" Said the cat. "Our names match. I'm Thunderbolt."
"Nice name." Said Snowealge.
"Thanks." Said Thunderbolt.
"Why did you need to leave?" Asked Snoweagle."
Why did i need to leave?" Said Thunderbolt. "I guess it's a long story."
"We have time." Said Lightning.
"Well, it started when...."


"Wh-WHAAAAAAAT?" Shouted Lightning.
"WOAH!" Said Snoweagle.
"You mean, you wanted to join other clans in the forest, but they always chased you off?" Said Lightning.
"A-and you heard there was a new clan so you rushed to go try to join it?" Said Snowealge.
"But the dog got in your way?!" Said Lighting. "And that's how you got hurt!"
"Yeah..." Said Thunderbolt nervously.
"Well, I think..." Started Snoweagle Then he whispered something in Lightning's ear.
"Hmm, I think so, too!" Said Lightning. "Thunderbolt, want to join our clan?"
"R-really?" Said Thunderbolt. "Yes! Thank you!"
"We are on a journey, so do you want to help out?" Asked Snowealge.
"Yes!" Said Thunderbolt.
AN: Ever so great-ful (XD) for the new cat, Mimi Faelin!